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What is an autopsy?

A Private autopsy Service is a highly specialized medical examination of a deceased person and should be performed only by a board-certified pathologist.


The process involves detailed external and internal examinations of the body.  Each organ is removed from the body systematically, weighed, and examined thoroughly by the pathologist to inspect for signs of natural diseases like cancer, strokes, or coronary artery blockages. The pathologist will also look for any evidence of medical intervention and traumatic injuries to assess if these played any role in the person's death.


A microscopic examination will be conducted typically within a week following the autopsy in order to confirm/diagnose diseases identified during the autopsy and to look for any diseases invisible to the naked eye.


What is the difference between a forensic autopsy and a private autopsy?


A forensic autopsy is performed ideally by a board-certified forensic pathologist under the jurisdiction of a coroner's office or medical examiner's office.  These offices specialize in handling non-natural deaths -- homicides, suicides, and accidents. 


If a death appears to hold no suspicion and clearly appears to be due to natural illness like cancer or heart disease, then a coroner or medical examiner likely will choose not to accept jurisdiction for this case, and a forensic autopsy therefore will not be performed.


When a death does not qualify as a forensic case but the family still wishes that an autopsy be performed, a private autopsy is certainly an option.  Private autopsies are performed ideally by board-certified pathologists at the request of the next-of-kin, and for a number of different reasons.


If you are searching to have a private autopsy performed on your loved one, look no further.  

Doctor Using Digital Tablet to review autopsy
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